
Ron's Family (June's Son)


Scroll down this page to find pictures
and a history of both of their lives.

Note: Click on any picture to enlarge it.
A second click enlarges it even more.
Click on the back arrow to return.

  Ron and Rosalyn Chamberlin with Princess (retired) - so are we!
(Phelan, CA)

 Ron's son Dr. David and Jenny Chamberlin
(Pediatric Urology Surgeon at Loma Linda Medical Center)
  David's daughter Sarah and Scott Campbell
(Sarah - Attorney in Salt Lake City)

David's son Josh and Lauren Chamberlin
(Josh - 3rd year Med Student)

Josh & Lauren's daughter
Makenna Chamberlin

David's son Ben and Christa Chamberlin
(Business graduate)

David's son Elder Daniel Chamberlin
serving in the New Orleans, Louisiana area

David's daughter Bekah Chamberlin
(Student at BYU)

David's son Sammy Chamberlin
(High School Freshman)

Ron's daughter Lauri and Mark Egan
(Mark - Immigration Attorney)
(Mesa, AZ)

Lauri's daughter Nauni and John Michael Seals
(John Michael - Computer Guru, Nauni - Office Manager)
(Gilbert, AZ)

                                         Lauri's son Jake and his wife Lacey
                                      with their son Kody Bredsguard
                                    and daughter Eden Bredsguard

Lauri's daughter Jesikah and Anthony Chacon
with their daughter Chanel Chacon
(Creator & General Manager Of The Extreme Edge Gym)
(Vancouver, WA)

Lauri's son Joe and Meagan Bredsguard
(Joe - Chemical Engineering student at ASU, Meagan - Nanny) 
(Mesa, AZ)

Mark's daughter Ashley and Ben Seare
and their daughter Kirahley Seare
(recent graduates of BYU Idaho)
(Mesa, AZ)

Mark's son Elder Christopher Egan
(Serving in Guatemala City, Guatemala - August 2009 to August 2011)
That's volcanic ash he's holding

Lauri's son Jed Bredsguard
(preparing for LDS mission)
(Mesa, AZ)

Mark's daughter Daniela Egan
(Edinburg, TX)

Lauri's son Philip Bredsguard
(Mesa, AZ)

Lauri's daughter Kayli Bredsguard
(Mesa, AZ)


Ron's son Steve and Carla Chamberlin
with their children
Nathan Chamberlin (behind his mother)
Rachel Chamberlin (far left)
Michael Chamberlin (in front of his mother)
Abigail Chamberlin (in front of her dad)
Andrew Chamberlin (in front of his dad)
(Stansbury Park, UT)

Steve's daughter from his first marriage to Libby
Brittany and Jason Paine
(Menifee, CA)

Ron's daughter Tamara Chamberlin


Ronald Jean Chamberlin - born 5 February 1939 in Los Angeles, CA

Ronny - age 6 months (1939) Nice tush!

When I was born we lived in South Gate, Ca
only a couple of blocks from Dad's mom,
Grandma Scheiern.  Dad's father, Grandpa Doc
(Frank Harrison Chamberlin) delivered me.
His office was in down town Los Angeles
at 548 South Spring Street.
Ronny - age 6 months (1939)
Boy, was I fat!

Ronny - age about 6 months old (1939)
ready for the world

Ronny - age 1 (1940) with Mom and Dad
What a great photo!

Ronny - age 18 months (1940)
Photo speaks for itself - what a guy!

Ronny - age 2 (1941)

Ronny - age 2 (1941) with baby Dianna

Grandpa Doc delivered Dianna, too.  I remember when Mom brought
her home from the hospital.  I remember our house,
our living room furniture and my bedroom.  That's amazing!
I'm 71 and that was a long time ago.

Ronny - age 5 (1944) with Dianna and our new brother Jimmy

He was the cutest little kid.  Grandpa Doc had refused to deliver him, because he
had been on a drinking binge.  Unfortunately, Grandpa Doc was an alcoholic.  He insisted that
Mom find another doctor, which she did.  I wanted Mom and Dad to name my brother Jimmy.
They finally capitulated, of course, that caused some problems for him later in life when people thought his given name should have been James.
We lived in Lynwood, CA when Jimmy was born.  I was in Kindergarten. 
My school was two blocks from home.  I remember running all the way home to see Jimmy when Mom brought him home.


Ronny - age 8 (1947) with Dianna and Jimmy
I was in the 3rd grade

Dad's employment wasn't real steady and he changed jobs often to support the family.  We spent much of our youth moving from house to house and school to school, around southern California.  Because Dad's shoulder dislocated easily, he was rejected by the army when drafted in 1944.  He went to work at the shipyards in San Pedro as a welder with Grandpa Al until the war ended in 1945. We lived in Lynwood when I was in Kindergarten and 1st grade, we lived a few miles east in Hollydale and in a different school for 2nd grade, then back to Lynwood

(1947) the family visiting Granny and Grandpa Al at their chicken ranch in Baldwin Park, CA  That's Granny's father Grandpa John Sherman Thatcher in the back on the left.  He died later that year.

Ronny - age 9 (1948) just being a boy!
I always seemed to have a scab or a cut. 
I was in the 4th grade here in Lynwood.
Ronny - age 9 (1948) with Jimmy and Dianna
on a family outing to Crystal Lake up San Gabriel Canyon
above Azusa, CA. 

I started the 5th grade while living on the ranch, but we moved to a house
on 3/4 of an acre also in Baldwin park.  It had an old barn to play in
with a wash running behind the property.  It was a great place for building forts.
I finished 5th grade there before moving a few miles away to West Covina
where I attended 6th and 7th grades.

Ronny - age 10 (May 1949) 5th grade in Baldwin Park.

Some kids had dogs and cats.  Me, I had a horned toad.
It would sit on my shoulder for hours.  I took it to
school and it ended up in this school photo. 

Ronny - age 10 (Fall 1949)
in 6th grade at West Covina Elementary School

Ronny - age 11 (1950) 7th grade at the same school

Ronny - age 11 (1950) Christmas in West Covina with
Dianna, Jimmy, our Welsh pony Queenie,
our dog Donna, and our cat Richard
Ron - age 12 (1951) Christmas
Dad had just taken a new position selling Turco commercial cleaning
products that took us to Santa Barbara, CA.  This is the first of
3 homes we lived in up there.  I was in the 8th grade
at La Cumbre Junior High School .
Ronny - age 13 (1952) This is the 2nd house we lived in
that was closer to school.  I was in the 9th grade here.
I had a paper route and bought this cool bike to
ride to school.  It was the only racing bike there.

Ronny - age 14 (1953) Granny and Grandpa Al had followed us to Santa Barbara and bought a chicken ranch at the north end of town.  We moved in with them until Dad and Grandpa Al converted the carport into an apartment for them to live in while we lived in the little main house.  I was in the 10th grade at Santa Barbara High School.  I was active in the First Methodist Church near the high school, sang in their youth choir, took an active roll in the youth group, was co-editor of the youth group's news letter, and had a girl friend.  Mom and Dad were our taxi to many events.  My friends loved them.  I was also a member of the Mason's local DeMolay club for boys that met weekly.  I was able to join them because Grandpa Doc had been a Mason.  I also spent many hours driving Granny's 1948 Dodge
up and down the 1/4 mile road leading to the ranch pulling a six foot trailer they used to haul chicken manure.

Unfortunately, Turco transferred my Dad to Los Angeles with a territory that took him clear out to Las Vegas.  It was a difficult time for the family and a really tough decision to move again, but they finally decided to go.  Dad moved six months before we completed the school year.  We stayed in Santa Barbara.  Dad found a house in the San Fernando Valley.  We made many weekend trips to visit him, but this was the beginning of the end for Mom and Dad's marraige.  Before the family joined him he had joined the Civil Air Patrol.  He became Commandant of Cadets where he, unbekownst to us, had become involved with another women.  Mom ultimately found out and ended their marriage in 1955.  

Ronny - age 15 (1954)  Had I not joined
the Civil Air Patrol cadet program with
my Dad I never would have met Rosalyn. 
Ronny - age 16 (1955) with his 1952 MG TD.
I was a junior at Van Nuys High School.
and working nights at
Mikes Pizza in Panorama City. 

Ron - age 17 (1956) with Dad and a good friend Guy Charno.
Note his new tattoo.  We both went in to get them, but at
the last minute I chose not to, a decision
for which I have always been grateful.

Ron - age 17 (1956) with Dianna and Jim
ready for my high school graduation.
Rosalyn Virginia Beard - born 19 November 1939 in Berkeley, CA

Rosalyn - just a little baby (1939)
Rosalyn - what a cutie (1939)
An interesting note.  We have pictures of Rosalyn's mother and our forth child, Tammy, at the same age and in similar poses and you can NOT tell them apart

Rosalyn - age 6 months (1940)

Rosalyn - age 6 months (1940) having a bath
and playing in the sink.

Rosalyn - age 1 1/2 (1940)
with her mother Virginia Rose Rathbone
her father Damon Maxwell Beard
and her brother Ronny

Rosalyn - age 2 (1941) ready to take charge of the world.

Rosalyn's father, Damon, graduated with honors in astronomy from the University of California at Berkeley.  He was a brilliant man and tutored other students in math and astronomy.  
Rosalyn's mother was an attractive young neighbor of his.  Damon was 23 and Virginia was only 16 when they married in December 1938.  When Rosalyn was three and Ronny was only one, her father and mother were divorced in a highly publicized court battle over custody of the children.  That resulted in the children being taken away from their parents and given to their paternal grandparents to raise.  Their grandfather, Clarence Mern Beard, was 56 and their grandmother, Helen May Banker, was 51 at the time.  Rosalyn's mother, Virginia, turned to alcohol.  Her father's life came apart when he failed to get his Phd after turning in his disertation late, due to time spent with the divorce.  We have a suitcase full of papers he had worked on, but never published.  He spent the remainder of his life washing dishes and living in a little old hotel in San Fransisco.  He did provide scientific data to his father when Grandpa Beard was writing one of the books he published, 'The Only True God'.  Rosalyn and Ronny would see their father when he came to dinner on weekends.  They would see their mother when they visited her during the summers.    

Rosalyn - age 3 (1942)
Rosalyn - age 4 (1943) with Ronny

Rosalyn - age 4 (1943)
Rosalyn - age 4 (1943) on the steps of
Grandma and Grandpa Beard's home

Rosalyn - age 5 (1944) with Ronny
Rosalyn - age 8 (1947) in the third grade

At the age of twelve (1951) Rosalyn decided to move to Los Angeles to live with, and help, her mother.  Her brother, Ronny, chose to stay with his grandparents in Berkeley.  Rosalyn's mother had become a nurse, but she was also an alcoholic.  Rosalyn soon discovered that her mother was very rarely home.  Rosalyn learned to fend for herself.  She cooked the meals, cleaned the house and basically took care of herself.  When her mother was home, she was either drinking, drunk, or sleeping it off.  When Rosalyn first moved in with her they lived in downtown Los Angeles near McArthur Park.  After the 8th grade Rosalyn and her mother moved to the San Fernando Valley where Rosalyn attended Birmingham High School.  That's where she met the friends that involved her in the Civil Air Patrol cadet program, as in Auntie Carol (Carol Haupt at the time) and others.  

Rosalyn - age 14 (1954)
after the 9th grade
at Birmingham High School
Rosalyn age 14 (1954) as a Civil Air Patrol Cadet
marching as part of a really first class female drill team

Ron and Rosalyn's Life Together starting in 1954

(1954) The Day we met
We were part of a work party at the Civil Air Patrol base in Van Nuys, CA. 
Rosalyn is the blond in the very back of the grass just to the left of the Post (the vertical bomb)
I don't seem to be in the photo.  It was a very hot day and we had been painting buildings.  Rosalyn and her girl friend Carol Haupt (the blond on the left sitting forward by herself) started throwing glasses of water on the guys.  I immediately fell in love with Rosalyn after grabbing a hose and drenching them both.  They were quite astounding in their wet white blouses! 

Dad is in the uniform standing in the middle of the group between the cars in the driveway. 
He was Commandant of Cadets at the time.  My brother Jimmy is the kid on the grass in front of the entire group

Rosalyn - age 16 (1956)
Rosalyn - age 16 (1956)
with Ron at his high school prom.   Ron had helped her make her dress.  You should have seen us stuffing
that skirt and all those slips into
the leg well of my MG!

(1956) Dinner and a show with friends, after Ron's prom, at the
Macambo night club on the Sunset Strip in Hollywood, CA

Ron - age 18 (1956)
Van Nuys High School graduation photo
I went to work for Lockheed Missile and Space Division
at the Van Nuys Airport two weeks after graduating
as a summer hire.  That summer turned into eight years.

Ron and Rosalyn (1957) at the Moulin Rouge
night club on the Sunset Strip in Hollywood, CA
for dinner and a show after Rosalyn's high school
all night party 
Rosalyn - age 17 (1957)
Birmingham High School graduation photo

Ron - age 19 and Rosalyn - age 18 (1958)
with her dog shortly before we married

(28 June1958) cousin Russell Burkholder
helping Ron get ready for his wedding

(28 June 1958) Carol Haupt, Barbara Martin,
and sister-in-law to be Dianna Chamberlin
Helping Rosalyn get ready for her wedding

(28 Jun 1958) Our wedding in the
First Presbyterian Church of Encino, CA.
Rosalyn - age 18 (1958) the beautiful bride

(28 June 1958) the bride and groom

(1958) Honeymooning in Yosemite

!9158) Honeymooning in Yosemite

(1958) Honeymooning in Carmel
This is on the 17 mile drive in Monterey

This is on the 17 mile drive in Monterey

(1958) Ron and Rosalyn on the San Pedro ferry
in matching pale yellow outfits Rosalyn made for us

Rosalyn - age 19 (1959)
Our 1st anniversary
one week before David was born

Rosalyn and David Alan Chamberlin
born 3 July 1959.  He was only 6 lbs 3 oz.
Today he is 6 ft 4 in.

Ron changing David's diaper

Ron - age 20 (1959)
with Rosalyn and David (1 month old)
visiting Ron at the California National Guard encampment at Camp Roberts
in Paso Robles, CA.

Ron - age 20 (1960)
Visiting Rosalyn's family in the Bay area with David

Mother's Day (1960)

Ron, Rosalyn pregnant with Lauri, and with David
Christmas 1960
Rosalyn - age 21 (1961)
with new baby Lauri and David.
This is one of the few pictures we have of Lauri
as a baby.  David had found the camera that had all
her baby pictures, opened it, and stripped out all the film. Oh well!

Rosalyn -age 22 (1962)
Easter with Rosalyn pregnant with Steven

(1962) Family at church with newborn Steven

Ron and Rosalyn 23 March 1963
at our baptism into the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Ron (age 24) and Rosalyn (age 23) 

(1963) Rosalyn with her children on Mother's day
(1963) Christmas at our new home
in Canyon County, CA

25 April 1964
The family was sealed for time and all eternity
in the Los Angeles Temple

(1964) Our first Pioneer Day
and Ron's first beard

(1964) Halloween
in front of unfinished brick we were putting on the front of our house
Actually, Rosalyn finished that brick work.
(1964) Christmas

(1965)  Rosalyn - age 25
with her children on Mother's Day 

(1965) Playing in tide pools at the beach
Rosalyn, taking the photo, was pregnant with Tammy

(1965) on Pioneer Day - July 24th
Unbelievably, pregnant with Tammy who was born August 4th 

(1965) Rosalyn bringing Tammy home from the hospital

(1965) Christmas

(1966) Rosalyn - age 26
Mother's Day

(1966) with the car packed up and ready to leave on a camping trip
Notice the brick work!

(1966) Camping at Huntington Lake in the High Sierras 

(1966) visiting the Charcoal Kilns while camping in Death Valley 

(1967) Camping with Rosalyn's mother (bending over the stove)
at Bristlecone Pines on the back side of the Sierras
with our little dog Bullet.

(1967) Ready to leave for a week in Death Valley at Thanksgiving
That new VW bug has all of our equipment,
food for a week packed like a back pack,
4 kids and our dog.
(1967) Here's all of us and our stuff reading to repack it.
A neighboring camper took the picture,
not believing we could get it back in the car.
Were they surprised!

(1968) Rosalyn - age 27 on Mother's Day
Now you can really see Rosalyn's brick work
(1968) Visiting Rosalyn's Uncle Mern and Dorothy
in Santa Clara, CA

New Year's Eve 1968
Family vacation in Sequoia (1969)
Our new 1968 VW bus (Bumble Bee Bus)
driving across that big log

(1969) Walking through a beautiful meadow in Sequoia

(1969) Playing games with Mom (green dress),
Rosalyn (in the red), and Dianna on my left. 
I think we were blowing a Ping-Pong ball
around.  We had to be careful of my mom. 
She was aggressive and always played to win.


(1969) Christmas - we were both 30 years old. 

This was our 1970 Christmas card.

Results of the February 9, 1971 Sylmar, CA earthquake
Our home was only about 7 miles north of Sylmar.

(1971) We cleaned up our Kitchen with a flat shovel.
Everything had come out of the cupboards and the refrigerator. 

(1972) Visiting Rosalyn at girl's camp where she
worked with the youth of the Church

(1972) Cod fishing out of Oxnard, CA with Jack White

(1972) Halloween party at Val and Gene Gershen's home 

(1972) Ron - age 33 with our new little filly, Chiquita

Our home in Canyon Country
Winter of 1972/1973

(1973) Rosalyn directed the 'Spring Sing',
a musical extravaganza.
These are the matching outfits she made for the family
and we sang 'Put your Hand in the Hand'.

Photo we used for our Christmas cards in 1973

Ron - age 35 (1974) sang in the chorus of
 the great Church musical 'Saturday's Warrior'
in 74 performances.

(1975) a family trip in Ken Bondy's 24 foot motorhome.
This is Ron and David riding a couple of Grandpa Larsen's horses
on his ranch in Lyman, Wyoming.

(1975) Ron was called to serve in the
first Mint Canyon Ward bishopric with
Bishop Stensrud and John McKeon. 

(1975) a Halloween party with many of our Church friends

(1975) The 34 Chevrolet 3 window coupe that followed me home one day.
We loved that little car and put many miles on it, even a trip to Provo, UT.

(1975) Another view.  Of course, we could afford it then. 
I had my own computer software company.

(1977) Ron - age 38 was called to serve as Bishop of the
Mint Canyon Ward with Andrew Lampry as his 1st counselor,
and R. Ross Burton as his 2nd counselor.  Ross was a
graphic artist and created this letterhead for us. 

(1977) A family photo the year before David left
on his mission for the Church. 

(1977) What's left of our 1959 VW bug
after David fell asleep at the wheel and
tumbled it end-over-end down the freeway.

We figured that the Lord had something for David to accomplish,
since at six foot three and sliding in upside down,
he only skinned the knuckle of of one hand.

(1977) Ron (38) and Rosalyn (37) while he was Bishop.
He had also started working with John Houck,
selling Beneficial Life insurance (owned by the Church).

(1978) Ron sitting on the rim of the Grand Canyon on his way
to a Beneficial Life Insurance convention in Durango, CO

(1978) Rosalyn at the Grand Canyon on the same trip

The Church owned Beneficial Life and Elder Howard W. Hunter served
on the board of directors.  We had the opportunity to spend 2 1/2 hours
with Elder Hunter standing between railroad cars and enjoying the scenery
from the Silverton Mine Train as it traveled between Durango and Silverton, CO.
Elder Hunter later became President of the Church.

(1978) at the same convention and as a new bishop I had the pleasure of
meeting and talking with President Spencer W. Kimball.  He was the chairman
of the board of Beneficial.  President Kimball, Elder Hunter and Elder Thomas S. Monson
all served on the board and were at conventions that we attended for three years.  

A Family Home Evening was had that week and Rosalyn was asked
to play something for the Prophet.  She chose to play 'Moonlight Sonata'.

A chance meeting in the hall with President Kimball
and his sweet wife, Camille, at the same convention

(1978) Escorting David to the Mission Training Center
in Provo, UT with his girl friend, Jenny Johnson, to train
for his mission in Nagoya, Japan for two years.

(1979) Ron and Rosalyn fishing in Monterey Bay
as part of another Beneficial Life convention 

(1979) Halloween party at church without David
who was in Japan, but including Ambrose Hostinez,
a Navajo indian boy, who lived with us for the
two years David was on his mission.

(1979) Ron - age 40

(1980) Ron (40) and Rosalyn (39)

David and Jenny's wedding reception December 19, 1980
at Jenny's aunt and uncle's home (Janet and John McKeon)
including Jenny's parents Bill and Lynda Johnson

These were rough times for Rosalyn and I.  Tammy had run away from home and was living with Kevin Baldwin.  I was released as Bishop.  We moved to the big house in La Verne, CA.  Tammy became pregnant with Nauni.  We were having a difficult time with Tammy's situation and agreeing on how to deal with it.  Rosalyn's hormones were way out of wack and I was less than helpful.  She had started attending 12 step programs to cope.   Lauri was trying to figure out what to do with her life,  Steven had joined the Navy, and our marriage was definitely struggling.  Rosalyn was working on her AA degree.  Tammy had come back home to work on her high school diploma.  Life was pretty much a nightmare! 


(1981) Ron and Rosalyn visiting their son Steve
at the Naval Training Center in San Diego, CA

(1981) Rosalyn - age 40
receiving her AA degree
from College of the Canyons, Valencia, CA

(1981) This is our new home in La Verne, CA with 'Masuko'.
(Lauri's little dog in the middle of the street) that she left
with us while she went to Brigham Young University.
That little mutt wouldn't mind me for anything. 
It would just stand there and look at me.
He was Lauri's dog!  When Kelly asked to marry Lauri
I said OK on the condition that they took 'Masuko'

(1981) Ron and Rosalyn,
having just returned after leaving
home for a couple of months to get away from me
and the unbearable situation we were in.

Lauri and Kelly's wedding reception December 29, 1981
Our entire family with Tammy pregnant with Nauni 

Tammy spent the last few months of her pregnancy with us.

(1982) Ron 43, Rosalyn (42) with our first grandchild.
Naureen Tasha Baldwin born April 5, 1982.

Steve's US Navy photo (1982)

(1982) Ron and Rosalyn with Nauni
and Jakob William Bredsguard born 27 September 1982 
 We spent the next few years trying to protect Nauni from the craziness of
 her mother's alcohol and drug abuse. 

(1982) Adding last minute details to our
'34 Chevy for the Whittier, CA Christmas parade


(1983) Ron, Rosalyn, David and Jenny
at their home in Provo, UT for the blessing of
Sarah Lynne Chamberlin born 28 February 1983

(1983) Ron and Sarah

(1983) Ron and Jakob

(1983) Ron, Rosalyn and David at his
graduation from Brigham Young University 

Proud mother and Son
Ron, Rosalyn and Dad
New Years Eve 1983.
Dad was living with us at the time

Ron and Rosalyn
Christmas 1983

(1984) Four Generations of Chamberlins
Dad (Jean Chamberlin), Ron, David,
and Joshua David Chamberlin born 24 October 1984 

Christmas Caroling 1984

(1985) David and Jenny Chamberlin, her mother Lynda , her sister Kim,
and Lauri Bredsguard had just won $10,000 on
the TV program 'The Family Feud'

(1985) Steve on his mission in the
jungles of Equador

Ron and Rosalyn with David when he received
his Master's Degree from
Brigham Young University 

(1985) Rosalyn bicycling in Santa Cruz, CA
on a trip we took to spend a weekend with all the old
Seventies from the Mint Canyon Ward
who had served together in the mid 1970's

(1985) family photo with Jakob, Joshua, Sarah and Nauni in the front

(1985) Ron and Rosalyn with the grandchildren
Nauni, Sarah, Jakob, Joshua, and
little Jessica Amy Bredsguard born 11 August 1985
at Rosalyn's Mother's old cabin in Big Tujunga Canyon

(1985) All the grandkids reading stories and playing
in Grandma and Grandpa's bed

(1986) We joined the Southern California Mormon Choir that year.
This is the first of many performances of the Messiah
that we held in the Los Angeles Music Center's Dorothy Chandler Pavilion.
Rosalyn singing Alto

Ron singing 2nd Tenor

(1987) One of my favorite photos of Rosalyn

(1987) Ron riding 50 miles in the Tour de Sewer
coming down Turnbull Canyon in Whittier, CA

(1987) Ron's new bike
in front of our home in Claremont.

(1988) Ron fishing off Santa Cruz island

(1988) David's graduation from medical school
at University of California at Irvine

(1988) On a trip up the coast
celebrating our 30th anniversary
at the old Harbor House Motel in Santa Barbara

(1988) Rosalyn on the same trip
at Anderson's Split Pea Soup Restaurant
in Bulleton, CA.

(1988) Rosalyn peddling through the beautiful
17 Mile Drive in Monterey on the same trip.

(1988) on the same ride in Monterey.
Actually, we stayed in the same room in the same little cottage in Carmel that we had stayed in on our honeymoon 30 years prior.

(1988) Lauri and her kids visiting Nana and Papa
at MCBA where we both worked

(1989) Ron and Rosalyn dancing
One of our favorite activities

(1989) Trip to Salt Lake City with the Southern
California Mormon Choir to preform several places
including singing with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir
on their Sunday morning broadcast.

(1989) One of our flyers
Can you find us both?
(1989) The cardboard car I made for Nauni to take
to a Church Primary drive-in movie activity.
Nauni was living with us at the time
in Claremont.

(1989) Ron and Rosalyn at MCBA

(1989) Another Halloween.

(1990) Ron recovering from
coronary bypass surgery in February
with Rosalyn at our home in Claremont 

(1990) Ron at the Harbor House
in Santa Barbara

(1990) We joined the SCOR Cardiac Cycling Club
a month out of surgery.
Rosalyn on a ride in Ojai, CA with the club.

(1990) Ron at the 90 mile mark of a 110 mile ride
from Fullerton to Hotel Circle in San Diego

(1990) Steve joining Ron on a ride out
around Puddingstone Dam from 
our home in Claremont. 

(1990) Steve with Brittany
his daughter from his first marriage.
This is about the time Steve and Libby divorced.

(1991) Ron and Rosalyn had ridden from their home in Claremont, CA
to Dave and Jenny's home in El Toro, CA on our tandem.
We have ridden thousands of miles on it.

(1991) After Steve and Libby divorced he got into
community theater were he took a staring
role in The Wizard of OZ as the Tin Man.
He has his daughter, Brittany, in his arms.

(1991) Rosalyn and Ron

(1991) Halloween with the grandkids
at Dave and Jenny's house
That's Rosalyn in the witch costume

(1992) Rosalyn and Ron singing
at Grandson's Ben and Joe's baptism 

(1992) Ron off for a ride

(1992) Taking Steve and Carla on the back of our
tandem for a ride around Puudingstone Dam

(1992) Rosalyn and I did some great camping
with our trailer and our bikes.

(1992) This was a trip to Pismo Beach campground
with Lauri's and David's families.

(1992) Rosalyn and I and our Santana tandem
Look at that hair!  Not mine, hers.

(1992) We celebrated Nauni's 10th birthday while on that trip
Look at the kids.  There's Nauni, Jakob, Jess, Joe and Lauri's
holding Jeddy.  There's Sarah, Josh, and Ben.  I wonder
where Bekah was? 
(August 1992) SCOR's team ready for the Race Across America
from Irvine, CA to Savanah, GA.  Actually we were
two teams of four riders each to relay 24 hours a day. 
Each team was responsible for 8 hours of riding. 
Ron is second from the right. That's little
Joe Bredsguard holding the flag.

(1992) This is the great poster the grandkids
made and brought to send me off.

(1992) This is our truck and bikes for our team of four.  Each of us raced
as far as we could, usually 30 minutes to an hour.  Then we crawled
in the back and rested for the next shift.  Then we navigated for a shift,
drove for a shift, and then we were back on our bikes.

(1992) That's me coming to the end of a shift on
the bike. That looks like north eastern Texas. 
Funny road kill changes from jack rabbits
to armadillo in Texas

(1992) There were four teams that competed that year.  The other three teams were young sprouts.  The average
age of our riders (all cardiac patients) was 50 and our team averaged 54.  The organizers let us compete thinking we would probably not finish, but we surprised them by finishing in 7 days 7 hours and 41 minutes 

(1992) my welcoming committee at the airport

(1992) That's the map I prepared for those
at the office following our progress

(Nov 1992) Steve and Carla's wedding at the Salt Lake Temple

(1992) Christmas at our home in Claremont, CA

(1993) the Southern California Mormon Choir 40th anniversary
party on the Queen Mary in Long Beach, CA

(1993) camping at Big Bear Lake.
Rosalyn caught those fish while trolling

(1993) Ron cooking at Big Bear Lake

(1994) Christmas at Dave and Jenny's home in El Toro, CA

(1995) while camping in Yosemite, CA
(1995) Playing in the Sand Dunes of Pismo Beach
with Joey and Jeddy strapped in their seats

(1997) Enjoying a cruise on Lake Tahoe

(1998) We were staying at our time share
in Dana Point.  This was a motorcycle
trip to Old Town San Diego, CA

(1998) We finally made it to Hawaii for our 40th anniversary

(1999) sharing Mom and my birthdays with a ride
around the block on my motorcycle. 
She was 80 and I was 60

(1999) Rosalyn age 60
Still a cute gal!

(1999) Ron and his brother Jim
who died in 2003

(2001) Ron with his new Fluke ukulele
enjoying a relaxing hobby

(2001) Playing with the grandkids in the snow on the road
in front of our homes in Phelan, CA

(2001) David took us all out to Lake Perris
to play on his Cobalt 25

(2001) Roz and I riding one of Dave Seadoos

(2001) Papa taking Kayli Rose for a ride

(2001) Rosalyn enjoying the day.  Looks like Philip is too.

(2001) Papa taking Jess for a ride

(2001) Dave's oldest Sarah and Rosalyn enjoying the sun

(2001) Look out!  Rosalyn is piloting the boat


Ron retired from Lockheed-Martin in early 2002.
It's obvious from all of the pictures from that year
that we were enjoying the freedom

(2002) a motorcycle trip to Santa Barbara
This is in the Botanical Gardens

(2002) The same trip at the Harbor House.
Rosalyn love to ride with me.
What a sport she is.

(2002) Returning from the Laughlin, NV
motorcycle run.  The crowd is  little nuts at times,
but the bikes are beautiful 


(2002) This is the Southern California Mormon Choir
taking part in the Lincoln International Choral Festival in the
Lincoln Cathedral in Lincolnshire, England.  After the choral festival the choir
toured through England and Wales performing in other several locations

(2002) Ron and Rosalyn in our choir shirts at the airport
waiting for our flight to London

(2002) Once in England, the choir was divided into
 two groups that traveled together in two tour buses. 
This is our bus with Rosalyn in the front seat

(2002) We are on our way to Lincolnshire
traveling on the left side of narrow roads where
all the vehicles are really small.

(2002) This is a town we passed through
on our way to Lincolnshire
(2002) Ron overlooking the Lincoln Cathedral 

(2002) Lincoln Cathedral

(2002) Lincoln Cathedral from the ground


(2002) We attended the Lincolnshire Ward Sunday morning
where we sang for the congregation
(2002) We traveled through England and into Wales
This is another cathedral where we performed

(2002) This is one of several castles we toured
I can't remember now which one this is 
(2002) This is the same castle
where they were jousting in the field  behind Rosalyn

(2002) Another castle in the rain
(2002) the same castle

(2002) Back in London
This is a typical residential area.
A little compact for me

(2002) Rosalyn at a typical telephone booth in London

(2002) I was intrigued by the small vehicles
in Great Britain.  This is a sample of their
road building equipment for their narrow streets.

(2002) The Hyde Park Ward chapel
in downtown London

(2002) Preparing for a concert in the
Hyde Park chapel

(2002) Frank Turner directing the choir
in the Hyde Park chapel 

(2002) Standing in front of the
Royal Palace in London
before leaving London and going home


(2002) Ron ready to leave on a 2000 mile trip through
northern California with a couple of old church friends.
Three High Priests, in fact

(2002) Setting up camp for the night
in Cambria along the California coast
in sight of Hearst Castle

(2002) Bud (64) rode a BMW, Dave (70+) rode his 600cc
Honda scooter with a 3 speed automatic transmission
that would do 120 mph, and I (63) rode my Harley.
I rode in the rear since I made so much noise.
Their bikes sounded like sewing machines.
(2002) three old duffs at the Golden Gate Bridge
in San Francisco.  That's me, Bud Crandall and Dave Carter

(2002) From the rear all three bikes looked
the same when packed up

(2002) Bud would lead on his BMW, Dave would follow and I would
ride in rear.  It was comical to watch cars pass me, but slow down
to look at Dave sitting upright on a scooter.  Of the three
bikes, he certainly got the most attention

(2002) We had breakfast at this great little cafe
on the Trinity River east of Eureka

(2002) One of the many beautiful lakes passed

(2002) Taking a break at the top of Lassen National Park

(2002) Heading down toward Lake Tahoe

(2002) What a great ride

(2002) We stopped and spent some time walking
around Bodie Ghost Town up on Hwy 395

(2002) I don't know what Bud and I were doing -
Holding up the building, I guess

(2002) Same three old guys in Bodie
(2002) Christmas with Nanny and John Michael

(2003) Rosalyn

(2003) Riding out on our New Harley Ultra Classic

(2003) We found this Jeep Grand Cherokee in Las Vegas on Ebay
and picked it up in January

I bought my first ukulele when I was 12 and played it for years.
It was destroyed at a National Guard encampment in the 60's.
After retiring I started collecting them and created a web site
of ukulele music I have arranged.  Click below to view it.

(2003) Papa and his granddaughter Jess

(2003) Papa and his granddaughter Nauni

(2003) Setting Joshua apart as a missionary to serve a mission for the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in
what was East Berlin Germany

(2003) The family delivery Joshua to the Mission Training
Center (MTC) in Provo, UT

(2003) Proud grandparents with Josh at the MTC

(2003) Visiting Nauni and John Michael at their apartment
in Provo, UT

(2003) Rosalyn on the Queen Mary
for the SCMC anniversary party

(2003) Ron and Rosalyn on the Queen Mary

(2003) Gary and Debi Whiting with Ron and Rosalyn

(2003) Ron and Rosalyn crashing a wedding party
so we could get in a few dances

(2003) Grandson Jakob Bredsguard
returning from his mission to Venezuela

(2004) Sunset from our patio.
We love the high desert

(2004) Mom (84) and Joe with Rosalyn and me (64)
on our birthdays

(2004) SCMC singing at the Veterans Memorial Cemetery
on Veterans Day


 (2004) Rosalyn, Lauri and Jess
3 generations

(2004) Rosalyn and I took a motorcycle trip
up Hwy 395 past Lake Tahoe
and into northern California

Rosalyn in her Harley shirt 

Camping for the night in Bishop, CA

Rosalyn taking a welcome break from the motorcycle

(2004) Camping along the way

We stopped to visit with Sam and Brenda Swartz
in Minden, NV

Going over the top of
Lassen National Park in the snow
in our our shirt sleeves

We found Burny Falls out
east of Redding so beautiful
we camped there for three days

Ron at the falls -
not only does the water come over the top,
but right through the volcanic wall

Motorcycling through the redwoods
is a great experience

We met up with good friends
Bill and Darla McLain in Monterey
and spent a couple of days coming down Hwy 1
It was a wonderful trip

(2004) Grandpa helping Kayli and Jeddy
play ukuleles 

(2004) Rosalyn, Ron and Jeddy playing with
the Loma Linda Ukulele Strummers
for an old folks home

(2004) Easter egg hunt when we still
had beautiful landscaping


(2004) Kayli building a town
with blocks on our coffee table

This is Philips zoo

(2004) Jake and Lacey's wedding May 4th

The family in front of the San Diego Temple

Dancing at Jake and Lacey's wedding reception

Ron age 65
Gees, I look like Pete Fountain

Rosalyn age 64

(2004) Kayli and Philip dressed up for Halloween

(2004) We started following Joe Bredsguard's
football career at Serrano High School in Phelan, CA
They were CIF champions this year
Rosalyn and I continue to go to the Serrano football games

November 2004
Ron was called to serve as an Ordinance Worker
in the Redlands California Temple
Rosalyn joined him a few months later

Christmas 2004 at our place

Christmas 2004 with Lauri
and the kids at her place next door
(2005) Rosalyn and I taking a break on the way to Lake Powell

(2005) Vacationing with David's family on Lake Powell
on David's time shared houseboat 'Powell Around'

(2005) David pulling 'Big Bertha' around Lake Powell
behind his ski boat trying to dump his mother (Rosalyn on the left)
and his daughter Bekah (on the right)

(2005) Ron and Rosalyn at Rainbow Bridge
on Lake Powell

(2005) in August Rosalyn and I rode 4500 miles in two weeks
with the Temple Riders Association
on  a church history trip back to Nauvoo, IL.
We left Los Angeles with four other friends
to meet 40 other motorcycles and about 80 other
Church members in Independence, MO
,a suburb of St. Louis, and Church historical site.
This is us taking a break in Barstow, CA

We stopped for the night in St. George, UT.
That's our rig.

That's our leader, John Limehouse, in Zion National Park

Rosalyn and I just heading into the Tunnels leading east out of Zion

Heading up through Utah to catch Hwy 70 east to Colorado

Hwy 70 heading east through the Rockies

The skies looked terrible as we went through Denver.
It kept getting worse until we could barely see at 4:00 pm
in the afternoon when it started hailing.
With no place to hide, we pushed through the storm,
but the next few photos show the results.
Actually, 9 tornadoes hit the ground that night.

We finally made it to a motel for the night in
Burlington, CO just west of Kansas.
This is apple size hail damage to our bike.

Hail bounced off the fiberglass fairings, saddle bags, and trailer,
but devoured sheet metal and these instruments 

It wasn't to easy on our bodies, either.
Our backs and arms looked the same
and this was through, jeans and shirts,
leathers and rain suits.  It was unbelievable!

Rosalyn looked the same.  What an adventure!

While in Independence we attended Church. Although they were
expecting us, it was quite a sight when 40 motorcycles pulled arrived.  
The women had worn leathers or rain suits over there dresses and those
magically came off in the parking lot and they were ready for Church  

Rosalyn at the Temple lot in Independence.
In the late 1830's this was a rough and tumble community
on the western edge of civilization where the Saints
had come to establish the Church having been
driven from New York and Kirkland, OH

Church author and tour guide, Brother Wayne Brickey, rode in on a
red Honda Goldwing trike.  He lectured at every stop we made
all the way to Nauvoo.  It was marvelous!

The road north to Liberty Jail
where Joseph Smith and others
were imprisoned for months before being
driven out of Missouri

After a poignant visit to the dungeon like basement
where Joseph Smith and his companions were held,
we visited Liberty Ward chapel where Brother Brickey
gave a fireside and talked about the conditions in Missouri at the time

Liberty Jail display of the basement and Joseph

Arriving at Far West, MO here nothing  is left of the community
of over 5,000 saints but a small memorial park and the
corner stones for a unbuilt temple placed by Joseph Smith

Rosalyn reading the story of Far West on the temple lot

Wayne Brickey spoke for nearly an hour about the
atrocities that took place there as men, women, and children
were raped, killed and driven from their homes in Far West

On the road again heading north to Adam-ondi-Ahman

On our way to Adam-ondi-Ahman we visited
the little Amsih community of Jamesport, MO.
It was fun to see horse and buggies along side
automobiles and motorcycles

Jamesport, MO

Normally, when folks visit here they will read the few plaques
explaining the events held here and those yet to be held here.

We, on the other hand, were privileged to sit on the grass and
listen to Brother Brickey tell us about the great events that took
place here in the lives of the sweethearts of this earth, 
our own great great great grand parents, Adam and Eve.  
Crossing the Mississippi into Illinois

Brother Brickey on his trike with the
rest of us following along like a bunch of little
chicks as he spoke to us over our CB radios

A few of us having just attending
a session at the Nauvoo Temple

Rosalyn and I in front of the Nauvoo Temple.
Little did we know at the time that we would be called to serve
for six months as ordinance workers in that very temple in 2011

A fireside talk in the grove below the temple
where Joseph Smith often spoke to the saints

Rosalyn at the Visitors Center there in Nauvoo

Ron at the same place

Rosalyn, Ron and Brother Brickey. 
After visiting Carthage jail where Joseph and his brother Hyram
were killed by a mob, Brother Brickey left Nauvoo
to get back home to his wife to celebrate their anniversary 

Leaving Nauvoo

Leaving Nauvoo we head east into Iowa

 On our way through Iowa we stopped in
Red Oak to find the house where
my Granny (Genevieve Thatcher) was born

Sure enough, we found it listed in an old 1896 town directory
that we found at the local historical society.

We followed the Mormon Pioneer Trail

Crossing the Missouri River into Nebraska
That's Rosalyn and me up front

We stopped in Winter Quarters to visit the Mormon Trail Visitor Center
Hundreds of saints died here in Winter Quarters waiting to move on west

We were able to attend a session here at the Winter Quarters Temple

Then it was on into Wyoming and Fort Laramie

This is us at Independence Rock

Then on to Martin's Cove

Here we are at Martin's Cave with Devils Gate behind us

We all stopped in Immigration Canyon on our way into the Salt Lake Valley
Everyone said their 'goodbyes' here and headed to the various homes

We visited the 'This is the Place' Monument
before heading home.  We had a great time!

(2006) Mom and my birthday cake

Mom and I blowing out the candles

The whole dang family at our birthday party
in the clubhouse in Mom and Joe's
mobile home park in Las Vegas

(2007) Rosalyn's glamor photo

(2007) Rosalyn at the daffodil gardens
in Running Springs, CA
on one of our motorcycle rides up the mountain
Rosalyn and I in the same gardens

We got Princess when she was 8 weeks old 
(our little Miniature Schnauzer born 10 June 2006)

What a little sweetheart!

Rosalyn in the Fall
Showing off her socks

(2006) SCMC Cerritos Concert in the Park

(2007) Lauri and Mark's wedding
1 January 2007

(2007) One of the few photos of our entire family

Rosalyn and I after the wedding
Rosalyn and I caught messing around

Jess and Tony took Rosalyn and I,
Tony's parents, Jess's mom, Lauri,
Jess's married siblings, Nauni and John Michael
and Jake and Lacey plus a couple of their friends
to Sandals Resort in Ocho Rios Jamaica 'Mawn'
for their wedding in April 2007

Jess, Tony and us

Rosalyn and I at dinner one night

They were married over looking the ocean

What a great time we all had!
That's Tony's dad and mom, Lauri and us

Nauni and John Michael
Jake and Lacey

Rosalyn and I over looking the bay

It's Jamaica, Mawn!

In July 2007 we went to Lucern Switzerland
with the Southern California Mormon Choir
to participate in a choral festival there

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  1. Dad, I love this picture of Tammy. Thanks for posting it. (smiles)

  2. Roz,
    This is Kit's daughter, Bonnie L Mitchell. Good to find you. You & Ron look great! Wanted to make sure you knew my mom passed away a couple months ago in one of her granddaughters' homes surrounded by great grandchildren.
    I teach sociology at Truman State University in Missouri. It would be nice to hear from you. My work email is

  3. To Ron or Rosalyn,

    I would like to use your CAP Cadet photos in a project about the history of the cadet program.

    Please contact me at:

    Thank you!
