
Dedication to Grandma June

This is a place to memorialize our dear Wife, Mother, Grandmother, and Friend.

You are invited to add pictures or thoughts. (If you want, you can email the thoughts, etc. to me at and I will post them for you. Signed, Lauri)

Joe and June Vitellaro

Known as Grandpa Joe and Grandma June to their grandchildren.
Known as Papa Joe and Grammy to their great-grandchildren.

November 16, 2010
by Lauri L. Egan

Grandma, my funnest memories were playing dress up at your apartment. I think it was in Reseda. You found us the coolest clothes ever to use. We had fancy dresses and we wore Grandpa Joe's suits and stuff, even his great big shoes ... we were pretty little then. We loved your purses and high heels. It was terrific fun. In that same apartment I remember how Grandpa used to play with Snoopy, your little black and white dog. He was a crack up! Both of them were! Grandpa would torment that little guy like crazy and Snoopy loved it! 

I also loved fun times spent at your Simi Valley house. Your pool was great, of course! I loved watching you cook! My favorite all time dinner at your house was your meatloaf! For years I asked you how you made it. You used your "secret ingredient" which I can now divulge: Campbell's Tomato and Rice Soup. Oh, it was the best ever!!!

One fun memory I have of you and Grandpa at that house was when I first learned to drive and was finally confident enough to take an "adventure" on my own. I talked Mom and Dad into letting me drive their car out to your house from my house in Canyon Country. I did it and all was well. The problem came when it was time to leave. I did not have any gas left in my gas tank. I didn't know you had to plan for that kind of stuff. (smiles) 

Well, this was unfortunate because this was during the gas rationing period in American history. I was in high school at the time. The gas lines were always super long and the gas was short, so the government came up with this plan to ration, meaning if your license plate ended with an odd number, you bought gas on "odd" days and if it ended with an even number, then you bought gas on "even' days. Of course, my plate was odd and it was an even day. Great! But, Grandpa came to the rescue. He took his even plate off of his car and put it on my car. We went down to the gas station and he pumped my gas. No questions asked. My plates were replaced when we got back to your house, you kissed me and sent me on my way. I loved that trip!!! 

I will always remember you playing your organ and Grandpa singing. That was the best! My dad's musical talents have been passed down to me. Thanks for that!

Most of all Grammy, I miss you! I miss who you were before you got dementia. I miss our long talks and the great counsel you always gave me. I miss your support. I miss your laughter. I miss your hugs. I miss your unconditional love. I miss your "I'll kick anybody's butt" attitude. I miss your stubbornness. I miss who you became during your dementia. I miss your sweet innocence. I miss your impatience. I miss your longing eyes. I miss you!!!! I love you forever, and ever! 

Good-bye for a short while, because I will be meeting you in Heaven! I'm coming for my hugs!!

Love, Lauri (Ronnie's girl)

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